CHOICES Women's Medical Center

Merle Hoffman founded CHOICES Women’s Medical Center in 1971, shortly after New York State made abortion legal and two years before the historic Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Since then, Choices, under Merle’s active direction, has expanded from its pioneering and continuing abortion services to meet the full reproductive needs of the many communities it serves.

This includes comprehensive gynecological services, a full prenatal program, and specialized care for LGBTQ and gender-nonconforming, people, teens and seniors. These programs include Counseling and HIV/STD Testing and Treatment and basic preventive care.

Health education is an integral and important part of our mission, and Choices offers no-cost classes and workshops to public and private schools, community, and health organizations. To promote women’s health in the United States and abroad, Merle Hoffman founded the Choices Global Institute of Healing and Education, a charitable organization that raises public awareness about women’s health issues and provides support to underserved women and their families.

The name, “Choices,” stands for Creative Health Organization for Information, Counseling and Educational Services, and for more than 50 years it has proven to be just that.